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PingCAP Clinic Diagnostic Data

This document provides the types of diagnostic data that can be collected by PingCAP Clinic Diagnostic Service (PingCAP Clinic) from the TiDB and DM clusters deployed using TiUP. Also, the document lists the parameters for data collection corresponding to each data type. When running a command to collect data using Diag client (Diag), you can add the required parameters to the command according to the types of the data to be collected.

The diagnostic data collected by PingCAP Clinic is only used for troubleshooting cluster problems.

A diagnostic service deployed in the cloud, Clinic Server provides two independent services depending on the data storage location:

  • Clinic Server in the US: If you upload the collected data to Clinic Server in the US, the data will be stored in the Amazon S3 service deployed by PingCAP in AWS US regions. PingCAP uses strict data access policies and only authorized technical support can access the data.
  • Clinic Server in the Chinese mainland: If you upload the collected data to Clinic Server in the Chinese mainland, the data will be stored in the Amazon S3 service deployed by PingCAP in China (Beijing) regions. PingCAP uses strict data access policies and only authorized technical support can access the data.

TiDB clusters

This section lists the types of diagnostic data that can be collected by Diag from the TiDB clusters deployed using TiUP.

TiDB cluster information

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Basic information of the cluster, including the cluster IDcluster.jsonThe data is collected per run by default.
Detailed information of the clustermeta.yamlThe data is collected per run by default.

TiDB diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logtidb_stderr.log--include=log
Slow logtidb_slow_query.log--include=log
Configuration filetidb.toml--include=config
Real-time configurationconfig.json--include=config

TiKV diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logtikv_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration filetikv.toml--include=config
Real-time configurationconfig.json--include=config

PD diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logpd_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration filepd.toml--include=config
Real-time configurationconfig.json--include=config
Outputs of the command tiup ctl pd -u http://${pd IP}:${PORT} storestore.json--include=config
Outputs of the command tiup ctl pd -u http://${pd IP}:${PORT} config placement-rules showplacement-rule.json--include=config

TiFlash diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logtiflash_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration filetiflash-learner.toml, tiflash-preprocessed.toml, tiflash.toml--include=config
Real-time configurationconfig.json--include=config

TiCDC diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logticdc_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration fileticdc.toml--include=config
Debug datainfo.txt, status.txt, changefeeds.txt, captures.txt, processors.txt--include=debug (Diag does not collect this data type by default)

Prometheus monitoring data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
All metrics data{metric_name}.json--include=monitor
All alerts dataalerts.json--include=monitor

TiDB system variables

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
TiDB system variablesmysql.tidb.csv--include=db_vars (Diag does not collect this data type by default; if you need to collect this data type, database credential is required)
global_variables.csv--include=db_vars (Diag does not collect this data type by default)

System information of the cluster node

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Kernel logdmesg.log--include=system
Basic information of the system and hardwareinsight.json--include=system
Contents in the /etc/security/limits.conflimits.conf--include=system
List of kernel parameterssysctl.conf--include=system
Socket system information, which is the output of the ss commandss.txt--include=system

DM clusters

This section lists the types of diagnostic data that can be collected by Diag from the DM clusters deployed using TiUP.

DM cluster information

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Basic information of the cluster, including the cluster IDcluster.jsonThe data is collected per run by default.
Detailed information of the clustermeta.yamlThe data is collected per run by default.

dm-master diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logdm-master_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration filedm-master.toml--include=config

dm-worker diagnostic data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Error logdm-worker_stderr.log--include=log
Configuration filedm-work.toml--include=config

Prometheus monitoring data

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
All metrics data{metric_name}.json--include=monitor
All alerts dataalerts.json--include=monitor

System information of the cluster node

Data typeExported fileParameter for data collection by PingCAP Clinic
Kernel logdmesg.log--include=system
Basic information of the system and hardwareinsight.json--include=system
Contents in the /etc/security/limits.conf systemlimits.conf--include=system
List of kernel parameterssysctl.conf--include=system
Socket system information, which is the output of the ss commandss.txt--include=system
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