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TiDB Dashboard Diagnostic Report

This document introduces the content of the diagnostic report and viewing tips. To access the cluster diagnostic page and generate reports, see TiDB Dashboard Cluster Diagnostics Page.

View report

The diagnostic report consists of the following parts:

  • Basic information: Includes the time range of the diagnostic report, hardware information of the cluster, the version information of cluster topology.
  • Diagnostic information: Shows the results of automatic diagnostics.
  • Load information: Includes CPU, memory and other load information of the server, TiDB, PD, or TiKV.
  • Overview information: Includes the consumed time and error information of each TiDB, PD, or TiKV module.
  • TiDB/PD/TiKV monitoring information: Includes monitoring information of each component.
  • Configuration information: Includes configuration information of each component.

An example of the diagnostic report is as follows:

Sample report

In the image above, Total Time Consume in the top blue box is the report name. The information in the red box below explains the content of this report and the meaning of each field in the report.

In this report, some small buttons are described as follows:

  • i icon: You can move your mouse to the i icon to see the explanatory note of the row.
  • expand: Click expand to see details about this monitoring metric. For example, the detailed information of tidb_get_token in the image above includes the monitoring information of each TiDB instance's latency.
  • collapse: Contrary to expand, the button is used to fold detailed monitoring information.

All monitoring metrics basically correspond to those on the TiDB Grafana monitoring dashboard. After a module is found to be abnormal, you can view more monitoring information on the TiDB Grafana.

In addition, the TOTAL_TIME and TOTAL_COUNT metrics in this report are monitoring data read from Prometheus, so calculation inaccuracy might exits in their statistics.

Each part of this report is introduced as follows.

Basic information

Diagnostics Time Range

The time range for generating the diagnostics report includes the start time and end time.

Report time range

Cluster Hardware Info

Cluster Hardware Info includes information such as CPU, memory, and disk of each server in the cluster.

Cluster hardware report

The fields in the table above are described as follows:

  • HOST: The IP address of the server.
  • INSTANCE: The number of instances deployed on the server. For example, pd * 1 means that this server has 1 PD instance deployed; tidb * 2 pd * 1 means that this server has 2 TiDB instances and 1 PD instance deployed.
  • CPU_CORES: Indicates the number of CPU cores (physical cores or logical cores) of the server.
  • MEMORY: Indicates the memory size of the server. The unit is GB.
  • DISK: Indicates the server disk size. The unit is GB.
  • UPTIME: The uptime of the server. The unit is day.

Cluster Topology Info

The Cluster Info table shows the cluster topology information. The information in this table are from TiDB information_schema.cluster_info system table.

Cluster info

The fields in the table above are described as follows:

  • TYPE: The node type.
  • INSTANCE: The instance address(es), which is a string in the IP:PORT format.
  • STATUS_ADDRESS: The HTTP API service address.
  • VERSION: The semantic version number of the corresponding node.
  • GIT_HASH: Git Commit Hash when compiling the node version, which is used to identify whether the two nodes are absolutely the consistent version.
  • START_TIME: The start time of the corresponding node.
  • UPTIME: The uptime of the corresponding node.

Diagnostic information

TiDB has built-in automatic diagnostic results. For the description of each field, see information_schema.inspection-result system table.

Load Info

Node Load Info

The Node Load Info table shows the load information of the server node, including the average value (AVG), maximum value (MAX), minimum value (MIN) of the following metrics of the server within the time range:

  • CPU usage (the maximum value is 100%)
  • Memory usage
  • Disk I/O usage
  • Disk write latency
  • Disk read latency
  • Disk read bytes per second
  • Disk write bytes per second
  • The number of bytes received by the node network per minute
  • The number of bytes sent from the node network per minute
  • The number of TCP connections in use by the node
  • The number of all TCP connections of the node

Server Load Info report

Instance CPU Usage

The Instance CPU Usage table shows the average value (AVG), maximum value (MAX), and minimum value (MIN) of the CPU usage of each TiDB/PD/TiKV process. The maximum CPU usage of the process is 100% * the number of CPU logical cores.

Instance CPU Usage report

Instance Memory Usage

The Instance Memory Usage table shows the average value (AVG), maximum value (MAX), and minimum value (MIN) of memory bytes occupied by each TiDB/PD/TiKV process.

Instance memory usage report

TiKV Thread CPU Usage

The TiKV Thread CPU Usage table shows the average value (AVG), maximum value (MAX) and minimum value (MIN) of CPU usage of each module thread in TiKV. The maximum CPU usage of the process is 100% * the thread count of the corresponding configuration.

TiKV Thread CPU Usage report

In the table above,

  • CONFIG_KEY: The relevant thread configuration of the corresponding module.
  • CURRENT_CONFIG_VALUE: The current value of the configuration when the report is generated.

TiDB/PD Goroutines Count

The TiDB/PD Goroutines Count table shows the average value (AVG), maximum value (MAX), and minimum value (MIN) of the number of TiDB or PD goroutines. If the number of goroutines exceeds 2,000, the concurrency of the process is too high, which affects the overall request latency.

TiDB/PD goroutines count report

Overview information

Time Consumed by Each Component

The Time Consumed by Each Component table shows the monitored consumed time and the time ratio of TiDB, PD, TiKV modules in the cluster. The default time unit is seconds. You can use this table to quickly locate which modules consume more time.

Time Consume report

The fields in columns of the table above are described as follows:

  • METRIC_NAME: The name of the monitoring metric.
  • Label: The label information for the monitoring metric. Click expand to view more detailed monitoring information of each label for a metric.
  • TIME_RATIO: The ratio of the total time consumed by this monitoring metric to the total time of the monitoring row where TIME_RATIO is 1. For example, the total consumed time by kv_request is 1.65 (namely, 38325.58/23223.86) times that of tidb_query. Because KV requests are executed concurrently, the total time of all KV requests might exceed the total query (tidb_query) execution time.
  • TOTAL_TIME: The total time consumed by this monitoring metric.
  • TOTAL_COUNT: The total number of times this monitoring metric is executed.
  • P999: The maximum P999 time of this monitoring metric.
  • P99: The maximum P99 time of this monitoring metric.
  • P90: The maximum P90 time of this monitoring metric.
  • P80: The maximum P80 time of this monitoring metric.

The following image shows the relationship of time consumption of the related modules in the monitoring metrics above.

Time-consumption relationship of each module

In the image above, yellow boxes are the TiDB-related monitoring metrics.Blue boxes are TiKV-related monitoring metrics, and gray boxes temporarily do not correspond to specific monitoring metrics.

In the image above, the time consumption of tidb_query includes the following four parts:

  • get_token
  • parse
  • compile
  • execute

The execute time includes the following parts:

  • wait_start_tso
  • The execution time at the TiDB layer, which is currently not monitored
  • KV request time
  • KV_backoff time, which is the time for backoff after the KV request fails

Among the parts above, the KV request time includes the following parts:

  • The time consumed by the network sending and receiving of requests. Currently, there is no monitoring metric for this item. You can subtract the time of tikv_grpc_message from the KV request time to roughly estimate this item.
  • tikv_grpc_message time consumption.

Among the parts above, tikv_grpc_message time consumption includes the following parts:

  • Coprocessor request time consumption, which refers to processing the COP type requests. This time consumption includes the following parts:

    • tikv_cop_wait: The time consumed by request queue.
    • Coprocessor handle: The time consumed to process Coprocessor requests.
  • tikv_scheduler_command time consumption, which includes the following parts:

    • tikv_scheduler_processing_read: The time consumed to process read requests.
    • The time consumed to get snapshot in tikv_storage_async_request (snapshot is the label for this monitoring metric).
    • Time consumed to process write requests. This time consumption includes the following parts:
      • tikv_scheduler_latch_wait: The time consumed to wait for latch.
      • The time consumption of writes in tikv_storage_async_request (write is the label for this monitoring metric).

Among the above metrics, The time consumption of writes in tikv_storage_async_request refers to the time consumption of writing Raft KVs, including the following parts:

  • tikv_raft_propose_wait
  • tikv_raft_process, which mainly includes tikv_raft_append_log
  • tikv_raft_commit_log
  • tikv_raft_apply_wait
  • tikv_raft_apply_log

You can use TOTAL_TIME, the P999 time, and the P99 time to determine which modules consume longer time according to the relationship between the time consumptions described above, and then look at the related monitoring metrics.

Errors Occurred in Each Component

The Errors Occurred in Each Component table shows the total number of errors in TiDB and TiKV, such as the failure to write binlog, tikv server is busy, TiKV channel full, tikv write stall. You can see the row comments for the specific meaning of each error.

Errors Occurred in Each Component report

Specific TiDB/PD/TiKV monitoring information

This part includes more specific monitoring information of TiDB, PD, or TiKV.

Time Consumed by TiDB Component

This table shows the time consumed by each TiDB module and the ratio of each time consumption, which is similar to the time consume table in the overview, but the label information of this table are more detailed.

TiDB Server Connections

This table shows the number of client connections for each TiDB instance.

TiDB Transaction

This table shows transaction-related monitoring metrics.

Transaction report

  • TOTAL_VALUE: The sum of all values ​​(SUM) during the report time range.
  • TOTAL_COUNT: The total number of occurrences of this monitoring metric.
  • P999: The maximum P999 value of this monitoring metric.
  • P99: The maximum P99 value of this monitoring metric.
  • P90: The maximum P90 value of this monitoring metric.
  • P80: The maximum P80 value of this monitoring metric.


In the table above, within the report time range, tidb_txn_kv_write_size: a total of about 181,296 transactions of KV writes, and the total KV write size is 266.772 MB, of which the maximum P999, P99, P90, P80 values for a single transaction of KV writes ​​are 116.913 KB, 1.996 KB, 1.905 KB, and 1.805 KB.

DDL Owner

TiDB DDL Owner Report

The table above shows that from 2020-05-21 14:40:00, the cluster's DDL OWNER is at the node. If the owner changes, multiple rows of data exist in the table above, where the Min_Time column indicates the minimum time of the corresponding known owner.

Other monitoring tables in TiDB are as follows:

  • Statistics Info: Shows related monitoring metrics of TiDB statistical information.
  • Top 10 Slow Query: Shows the Top 10 slow query information in the report time range.
  • Top 10 Slow Query Group By Digest: Shows the Top 10 slow query information in the report time range, which is aggregated according to the SQL fingerprint.
  • Slow Query With Diff Plan: The SQL statement whose execution plan changes within the report time range.

The tables related to the monitoring information of PD modules are as follows:

  • Time Consumed by PD Component: The time consumed by the monitoring metrics of related modules in PD.
  • Blance Leader/Region: The monitoring information of balance-region and balance leader occurred in the cluster within the report time range, such as the number of leaders that are scheduled out from tikv_note_1 or the number of leaders that are scheduled in.
  • Cluster Status: The cluster status information, including total number of TiKV nodes, total cluster storage capacity, the number of Regions, and the number of offline TiKV nodes.
  • Store Status: Record the status information of each TiKV node, including Region score, leader score, and the number of Regions/leaders.
  • Etcd Status: etcd related information in PD.

The tables related to the monitoring information of TiKV modules are as follows:

  • Time Consumed by TiKV Component: The time consumed by related modules in TiKV.
  • Time Consumed by RocksDB: The time consumed by RocksDB in TiKV.
  • TiKV Error: The error information related to each module in TiKV.
  • TiKV Engine Size: The size of stored data of column families on each node in TiKV.
  • Coprocessor Info: Monitoring information related to the Coprocessor module in TiKV.
  • Raft Info: Monitoring information of the Raft module in TiKV.
  • Snapshot Info: Snapshot related monitoring information in TiKV.
  • GC Info: Garbage Collection (GC) related monitoring information in TiKV.
  • Cache Hit: The hit rate information of each cache of RocksDB in TiKV.

Configuration information

In the configuration information, the configuration values of some modules are shown within the report time range. But the historical values of some other configurations of these modules cannot be obtained, so the shown values of these configurations are the current (when the report is generated) values .

Within the report time range, the following tables include items whose values are configured at the start time of the report time range:

  • Scheduler Initial Config: The initial value of PD scheduling-related configuration at the report's start time.
  • TiDB GC Initial Config: The initial value of TiDB GC related-configuration at the report's start time
  • TiKV RocksDB Initial Config: The initial value of TiKV RocksDB-related configuration at the report's start time
  • TiKV RaftStore Initial Config: The initial value of TiKV RaftStore-related configuration at the report's start time

Within the report time range, if some configurations have been modified, the following tables include records of some configurations that have been modified:

  • Scheduler Config Change History
  • TiDB GC Config Change History
  • TiKV RocksDB Config Change History
  • TiKV RaftStore Config Change History


Scheduler Config Change History report

The table above shows that the leader-schedule-limit configuration parameter has been modified within the report time range:

  • 2020-05-22T20:00:00+08:00: At the start time of the report, the configuration value of leader-schedule-limit is 4, which does not mean that the configuration has been modified, but that at the start time in the report time range, its configuration value is 4.
  • 2020-05-22T20:07:00+08:00: The leader-schedule-limit configuration value is 8, which indicates that the value of this configuration has been modified around 2020-05-22T20:07:00+08:00.

The following tables show the current configuration of TiDB, PD, and TiKV at the time when the report is generated:

  • TiDB's Current Config
  • PD's Current Config
  • TiKV's Current Config

Comparison report

You can generate a comparison report for two time ranges. The report content is the same as the report for a single time range, except that a comparison column is added to show the difference between the two time ranges. The following sections introduce some unique tables in the comparison report and how to view the comparison report.

First, the Compare Report Time Range report in the basic information shows the two time ranges for comparison:

Compare Report Time Range report

In the table above, t1 is the normal time range, or the reference time range. t2 is the abnormal time range.

Tables related to slow queries are shown as follows:

  • Slow Queries In Time Range t2: Shows slow queries that only appear in t2 but not during t1.
  • Top 10 slow query in time range t1: The Top 10 slow queries during t1.
  • Top 10 slow query in time range t2: The Top 10 slow queries during t2.

DIFF_RATIO introduction

This section introduces DIFF_RATIO using the Instance CPU Usage table as an example.

Compare Instance CPU Usage report

  • t1.AVG, t1.MAX, t1.Min are the average value, maximum value, and minimum value of CPU usage in the t1.
  • t2.AVG, t2.MAX, and t2.Min are the average value, maximum value, and minimum value ​​of CPU usage during t2.
  • AVG_DIFF_RATIO is DIFF_RATIO of the average values during t1 and t2.
  • MAX_DIFF_RATIO is DIFF_RATIO of the maximum values during t1 and t2.
  • MIN_DIFF_RATIO is DIFF_RATIO of the minimum values during t1 and t2.

DIFF_RATIO: Indicates the difference value between the two time ranges. It has the following values:

  • If the monitoring metric has a value only within t2 and has no value within t1, the value of DIFF_RATIO is 1.
  • If the monitoring metric has a value only within t1, and has no value within t2 time range, the value of DIFF_RATIO is -1.
  • If the value of t2 is greater than that of t1, then DIFF_RATIO = (t2.value / t1.value)-1
  • If the value of t2 is smaller than that of t1, then DIFF_RATIO = 1-(t1.value / t2.value)

For example, in the table above, the average CPU usage of the tidb node in t2 is 2.02 times higher than that in t1, which is 2.02 = 1240/410-1.

Maximum Different Item table

The Maximum Different Item table compares the monitoring metrics of two time ranges, and sorts them according to the difference of the monitoring metrics. Using this table, you can quickly find out which monitoring metric has the biggest difference in the two time ranges. See the following example:

Maximum Different Item table

  • Table: Indicates this monitoring metric comes from which table in the comparison report. For example, TiKV, coprocessor_info indicates the coprocessor_info table in the TiKV component.
  • METRIC_NAME: The monitoring metric name. Click expand to view the comparison of different labels of metrics.
  • LABEL: The label corresponding to the monitoring metric. For example, the monitoring metric of TiKV Coprocessor scan has 2 labels, namely instance, req, tag, sql_type, which are the TiKV address, request type, operation type and operation column family.
  • MAX_DIFF: Difference value, which is the DIFF_RATIO calculation of t1.VALUE and t2.VALUE.

From the table above, you can see the t2 time range has much more Coprocessor requests than the t1 time range, and the SQL parsing time of TiDB in t2 is much longer.

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