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Topology Configuration File for DM Cluster Deployment Using TiUP

To deploy or scale a TiDB Data Migration (DM) cluster, you need to provide a topology file (sample) to describe the cluster topology.

Similarly, to modify the cluster topology, you need to modify the topology file. The difference is that, after the cluster is deployed, you can only modify a part of the fields in the topology file. This document introduces each section of the topology file and each field in each section.

File structure

A topology configuration file for DM cluster deployment using TiUP might contain the following sections:

  • global: the cluster's global configuration. Some of the configuration items use the default values of the cluster, and you can configure them separately in each instance.
  • server_configs: the components' global configuration. You can configure each component separately. If an instance has a configuration item with the same key, the instance's configuration item will take effect.
  • master_servers: the configuration of the DM-master instance. The configuration specifies the machines to which the master service of the DM component is deployed.
  • worker_servers: the configuration of the DM-worker instance. The configuration specifies the machines to which the worker service of the DM component is deployed.
  • monitoring_servers: specifies the machines to which the Prometheus instances are deployed. TiUP supports deploying multiple Prometheus instances but only the first instance is used.
  • grafana_servers: the configuration of the Grafana instances. The configuration specifies the machines to which the Grafana instances are deployed.
  • alertmanager_servers: the configuration of the Alertemanager instances. The configuration specifies the machines to which the Alertmanager instances are deployed.


The global section corresponds to the cluster's global configuration and has the following fields:

  • user: the user to start the deployed cluster. The default value is "tidb". If the user specified in the <user> field does not exist on the target machine, TiUP will automatically try to create the user.
  • group: the user group to which a user belongs when the user is automatically created. The default value is the same as the <user> field. If the specified group does not exist, it will be created automatically.
  • ssh_port: the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. The default value is "22".
  • deploy_dir: the deployment directory for each component. The default value is "deploy". The construction rules are as follows:
    • If the absolute path deploy_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual deployment directory is the deploy_dir configured for the instance.
    • For each instance, if you do not configure deploy_dir, the default value is the relative path <component-name>-<component-port>.
    • If global.deploy_dir is set to an absolute path, the component is deployed to the <global.deploy_dir>/<instance.deploy_dir> directory.
    • If global.deploy_dir is set to a relative path, the component is deployed to the /home/<global.user>/<global.deploy_dir>/<instance.deploy_dir> directory.
  • data_dir: the data directory. The default value is "data". The construction rules are as follows.
    • If the absolute path data_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual data directory is the data_dir configured for the instance.
    • For each instance, if data_dir is not configured, the default value is <global.data_dir>.
    • If data_dir is set to a relative path, the component data is stored in <deploy_dir>/<data_dir>. For the construction rules of <deploy_dir>, see the construction rules of the deploy_dir field.
  • log_dir: the data directory. The default value is "log". The construction rules are as follows.
    • If the absolute path of log_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual log directory is the log_dir configured for the instance.
    • For each instance, if log_dir is not configured by the user, the default value is <global.log_dir>.
    • If log_dir is a relative path, the component logs will be stored in <deploy_dir>/<log_dir>. For the construction rules of <deploy_dir>, see the construction rules of the deploy_dir field.
  • os: the operating system of the target machine. The field controls which operating system to adapt to for the components pushed to the target machine. The default value is "linux".
  • arch: the CPU architecture of the target machine. The field controls which platform to adapt to for the binary packages pushed to the target machine. The supported values are "amd64" and "arm64". The default value is "amd64".
  • resource_control: runtime resource control. All configurations in this field are written to the service file of systemd. There is no limit by default. The resources that can be controlled are as follows:
    • memory_limit: limits the maximum memory at runtime. For example, "2G" means that the maximum memory of 2 GB can be used.
    • cpu_quota: limits the maximum CPU usage at runtime. For example, "200%".
    • io_read_bandwidth_max: limits the maximum I/O bandwidth for disk reads. For example, "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0:0 100M".
    • io_write_bandwidth_max: limits the maximum I/O bandwidth for disk writes. For example, "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0:0 100M".
    • limit_core: controls the size of core dump.

A global configuration example:

  user: "tidb"
    memory_limit: "2G"

In the example, the configuration specifies that the tidb user is used to start the cluster, and that each component is limited to a maximum of 2 GB of memory when it is running.


server_configs is used to configure services and to generate configuration files for each component. Similar to the global section, the configurations in the server_configs section can be overwritten by the configurations with the same keys in an instance. server_configs mainly contains the following fields:

A server_configs configuration example is as follows:

    log-level: info
    rpc-timeout: "30s"
    rpc-rate-limit: 10.0
    rpc-rate-burst: 40
    log-level: info


master_servers specifies the machines to which the master node of the DM component is deployed. You can also specify the service configuration on each machine. master_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: specifies the machine to deploy to. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.
  • ssh_port: specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If the field is not specified, the ssh_port in the global section is used.
  • name: specifies the name of the DM-master instance. The name must be unique for different instances. Otherwise, the cluster cannot be deployed.
  • port: specifies the port on which DM-master provides services. The default value is "8261".
  • peer_port: specifies the port for communication between DM-masters. The default value is "8291".
  • deploy_dir: specifies the deployment directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the deployment directory is generated according to the deploy_dir configuration in the global section.
  • data_dir: specifies the data directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the data directory is generated according to the data_dir configuration in the global section.
  • log_dir: specifies the log directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the log directory is generated according to the log_dir configuration in the global section.
  • numa_node: allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is a string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".
  • config: the configuration rules of this field are the same as that of master in the server_configs section. If config is specified, the configuration of config will be merged with the configuration of master in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field.
  • os: the operating system of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the os value configured in the global section.
  • arch: the architecture of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the arch value configured in the global section.
  • resource_control: resource control on this service. If this field is specified, the configuration of this field will be merged with the configuration of resource_control in the global section (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file of systemd is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field. The configuration rules of this field are the same as that of resource_control in the global section.
  • v1_source_path: when upgrading from v1.0.x, you can specify the directory where the configuration file of the V1 source is located in this field.

In the master_servers section, the following fields cannot be modified after the deployment is completed:

  • host
  • name
  • port
  • peer_port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os
  • v1_source_path

A master_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    name: master1
    ssh_port: 22
    port: 8261
    peer_port: 8291
    deploy_dir: "/dm-deploy/dm-master-8261"
    data_dir: "/dm-data/dm-master-8261"
    log_dir: "/dm-deploy/dm-master-8261/log"
    numa_node: "0,1"
    # The following configs are used to overwrite the `server_configs.master` values.
      log-level: info
      rpc-timeout: "30s"
      rpc-rate-limit: 10.0
      rpc-rate-burst: 40
  - host:
    name: master2
  - host:
    name: master3


worker_servers specifies the machines to which the master node of the DM component is deployed. You can also specify the service configuration on each machine. worker_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: specifies the machine to deploy to. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.
  • ssh_port: specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If the field is not specified, the ssh_port in the global section is used.
  • name: specifies the name of the DM-worker instance. The name must be unique for different instances. Otherwise, the cluster cannot be deployed.
  • port: specifies the port on which DM-worker provides services. The default value is "8262".
  • deploy_dir: specifies the deployment directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the deployment directory is generated according to the deploy_dir configuration in the global section.
  • data_dir: specifies the data directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the data directory is generated according to the data_dir configuration in the global section.
  • log_dir: specifies the log directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the log directory is generated according to the log_dir configuration in the global section.
  • numa_node: allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is a string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".
  • config: the configuration rules of this field are the same as that of worker in the server_configs section. If config is specified, the configuration of config will be merged with the configuration of worker in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field.
  • os: the operating system of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the os value configured in the global section.
  • arch: the architecture of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the arch value configured in the global section.
  • resource_control: resource control on this service. If this field is specified, the configuration of this field will be merged with the configuration of resource_control in the global section (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file of systemd is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field. The configuration rules of this field are the same as that of resource_control in the global section.

In the worker_servers section, the following fields cannot be modified after the deployment is completed:

  • host
  • name
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A worker_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    ssh_port: 22
    port: 8262
    deploy_dir: "/dm-deploy/dm-worker-8262"
    log_dir: "/dm-deploy/dm-worker-8262/log"
    numa_node: "0,1"
    # config is used to overwrite the `server_configs.worker` values
      log-level: info
  - host:


monitoring_servers specifies the machines to which the Prometheus service is deployed. You can also specify the service configuration on the machine. monitoring_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: specifies the machine to deploy to. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.
  • ssh_port: specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If the field is not specified, the ssh_port in the global section is used.
  • port: specifies the port on which Prometheus provides services. The default value is "9090".
  • deploy_dir: specifies the deployment directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the deployment directory is generated according to the deploy_dir configuration in the global section.
  • data_dir: specifies the data directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the data directory is generated according to the data_dir configuration in the global section.
  • log_dir: specifies the log directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the log directory is generated according to the log_dir configuration in the global section.
  • numa_node: allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is a string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1"
  • storage_retention: specifies the retention time of the Prometheus monitoring data. The default value is "15d".
  • rule_dir: specifies a local directory where the complete *.rules.yml files are located. The files in the specified directory will be sent to the target machine as the Prometheus rules during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration.
  • remote_config: Supports writing Prometheus data to the remote, or reading data from the remote. This field has two configurations:
  • external_alertmanagers: If the external_alertmanagers field is configured, Prometheus alerts the configuration behavior to the Alertmanager that is outside the cluster. This field is an array, each element of which is an external Alertmanager and consists of the host and web_port fields.
  • os: the operating system of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the os value configured in the global section.
  • arch: the architecture of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the arch value configured in the global section.
  • resource_control: resource control on this service. If this field is specified, the configuration of this field will be merged with the configuration of resource_control in the global section (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file of systemd is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field. The configuration rules of this field are the same as that of resource_control in the global section.

In the monitoring_servers section, the following fields cannot be modified after the deployment is completed:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A monitoring_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    rule_dir: /local/rule/dir
      - queue_config:
          batch_send_deadline: 5m
          capacity: 100000
          max_samples_per_send: 10000
          max_shards: 300
      - url:\
      - host:
      web_port: 9093
      - host:
      web_port: 9094


grafana_servers specifies the machines to which the Grafana service is deployed. You can also specify the service configuration on the machine. grafana_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: specifies the machine to deploy to. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.
  • ssh_port: specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If the field is not specified, the ssh_port in the global section is used.
  • port: specifies the port on which Grafana provides services. The default value is "3000".
  • deploy_dir: specifies the deployment directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the deployment directory is generated according to the deploy_dir configuration in the global section.
  • os: the operating system of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the os value configured in the global section.
  • arch: the architecture of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the arch value configured in the global section.
  • username: specifies the username of the Grafana login screen.
  • password: specifies the corresponding password of Grafana.
  • dashboard_dir: specifies a local directory where the complete dashboard(*.json) files are located. The files in the specified directory will be sent to the target machine as Grafana dashboards during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration.
  • resource_control: resource control on this service. If this field is specified, the configuration of this field will be merged with the configuration of resource_control in the global section (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file of systemd is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field. The configuration rules of this field are the same as that of resource_control in the global section.

In grafana_servers, the following fields cannot be modified after the deployment is completed:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • arch
  • os

A grafana_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    dashboard_dir: /local/dashboard/dir


alertmanager_servers specifies the machines to which the Alertmanager service is deployed. You can also specify the service configuration on each machine. alertmanager_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: specifies the machine to deploy to. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.
  • ssh_port: specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If the field is not specified, the ssh_port in the global section is used.
  • web_port: specify the port on which Alertmanager provides web services. The default value is "9093".
  • cluster_port: Specify the communication port between one Alertmanger and other Alertmanager. The default value is "9094".
  • deploy_dir: specifies the deployment directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the deployment directory is generated according to the deploy_dir configuration in the global section.
  • data_dir: specifies the data directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the data directory is generated according to the data_dir configuration in the global section.
  • log_dir: specifies the log directory. If the field is not specified, or specified as a relative directory, the log directory is generated according to the log_dir configuration in the global section.
  • numa_node: allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is a string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1"
  • config_file: specifies a local file. The specified file will be sent to the target machine as the configuration for Alertmanager during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration.
  • os: the operating system of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the os value configured in the global section.
  • arch: the architecture of the machine specified in the host field. If the field is not specified, the default value is the arch value configured in the global section.
  • resource_control: resource control on this service. If this field is specified, the configuration of this field will be merged with the configuration of resource_control in the global section (if the two fields overlap, the configuration of this field takes effect), and then the configuration file of systemd is generated and distributed to the machine specified in the host field. The configuration rules of this field are the same as that of resource_control in the global section.

In alertmanager_servers, the following fields cannot be modified after the deployment is completed:

  • host
  • web_port
  • cluster_port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

An alertmanager_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    config_file: /local/config/file
  - host:
    config_file: /local/config/file
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